Unit 4
Intervals & Solfege
Step 1
Unit 9
Interval: distance between two pitches.
Dyad: a pair of pitches sounding together (often referred to as an interval).
There are 5 types of diatonic intervals: major, minor, perfect, augmented, and diminished
Major(M): 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th
Perfect(P): 1st, 4th, 5th, 8th
Augmented(A): when a perfect or major interval is increased by a half-step
Minor(m): when the interval between two notes of a major interval is decreased by a half-step
Diminished(d): when a perfect or major interval is decreased by a half-step
Perfect intervals will always invert into other perfect intervals (4th and 5th always invert to each other)
Solfège: do - re- mi - fa - sol - la - ti - do